I am still surprised that I am actually staying at home. I was filling out something the other day and it asked where I worked, I started writing in it before I realized that I didn't work anywhere but home. The amazing thing, is this is by far the most difficult job I have ever had! When I was working as an HR Manager, people actually listened to me and respected my opinion. Now, my kids know more than I could ever hope to and seem to think that I have no idea what I am talking about. They also think I spend my day thinking of ways to torture them - normally it is whatever meal I am planning on cooking : )
This week was great. I got to spend some time with my sweet mom canning peaches. It was much easier than I thought, just took some time. All 28 quarts sealed - success!!! Now I am looking forward to making them into a yummy peach cobbler.
Samanth and Jace also had dentist appointments this week. It took us a good 10 minutes to convince Samantha to open her mouth just to get x-rays. Who would have thought she would need valium for a cleaning! Of course, she has a couple of cavities that we have to go get filled in a couple of weeks. Please pray for her dentist - I have no idea how he is going to convince her to open her mouth. At least Jace had no cavities and was a member of the "Tuffy Tooth" club. Lexi is going in for a "happy visit" next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is a good one.
I am waiting for Kerin to get home from his latest trip to Seattle. Although it sucks having him gone all week, it has enabled me to stay at home with our kids (which I am grateful for - most of the time!). I am excited for this weekend and General Conference. Hopefully our kids will cooperate and listen to conference while doing some activities I found online. Between conference, two soccer games, and dinner with Papa Fred and Grandma Niece, another packed weekend ahead!